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10 Ways to Naturally Reduce Anxiety


Many people suffer from anxiety and chronic stress. These people experience symptoms like nervousness, anxiety, tension, racing heart and chest pain.

In fact, anxiety is among the most common mental health issues. Anxiety disorders affect more than 18% adults in the United States each year.

An anxiety disorder can be caused by another condition, like an overactive thyroid. A person can get the best treatment by getting a diagnosis.

This article will discuss a variety of home and natural remedies that can alleviate anxiety and stress.

Natural solutions for stress and anxiety

It is generally safe to use natural remedies alongside conventional medical treatments.

However, changes to your diet or to some natural supplements may alter the effectiveness of antianxiety medication. It is important to consult a physician before you try these remedies. Your doctor might also recommend natural remedies.

1. Exercise

Research suggests that exercise is a great way of burning off anxiety energy.

2015 review examining 12 randomised controlled trials showed that exercise could be used to treat anxiety. The review warned that only high-quality research could prove its effectiveness.

Stressful situations can also make you anxious.

2. Meditation

Meditation can slow down racing thoughts and make it easier to manage anxiety and stress. A wide range of meditation styles, including mindfulness and meditation during yoga, may help.

Meditation based on mindfulness is becoming more popular in therapy. An 2010 meta analysis has shown that mindfulness-based meditation can be very effective for people suffering from anxiety and mood disorders.

3. Relaxation exercises

Unconsciously, some people clench their jaws and tighten their muscles in anxiety. Progressive relaxation exercises can help.

Relax and lie down in a comfortable position. Next, relax each muscle group by slowly contracting and relaxing them.

4. Writing

It can be easier to manage anxiety by finding a way of expressing it.

Research suggests that journaling or other forms of writing may help with anxiety.

For example, a 2016 study found that creative writing can help teens and children manage anxiety.

5. Strategies for time management

People can feel anxious when they have too many obligations at once. These could include work, family, or health-related activities. This can be avoided by having a plan for the next step.

Time management strategies that help people focus can be a great way to keep them focused on one task at the time. You can also use online and book-based calendars to help you resist the temptation to multitask.

Many people find it easier to break down large projects into manageable steps. This helps them to achieve their goals with less stress.

6. Aromatherapy

Relaxing by inhaling the aromas of soothing plant oils can ease anxiety and stress. Some scents work better than others so experiment with different options.

It may also be helpful to use lavender. An 2012 study examined the effects of aromatherapy using lavender on insomnia among 67 women between 45 and 55. The results suggest that aromatherapy can reduce heart rate and improve sleep quality in the short-term.

7. Cannabidiol oil

CBD oil, also known as cannabis or marijuana, is a derivative.

Unlike other forms of marijuana, CBD oil does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which is the substance that creates a “high.”

Many alternative healthcare shops sell CBD oil without the need for a prescription. It has been shown to have significant anxiety and panic reducing properties, according to preliminary research.

Doctors may be able prescribe medical marijuana in areas that have legalized it.

8. Herbal teas

Many herbal teas can help you sleep better and reduce anxiety.

Making and drinking tea can be soothing for some people. However, there may be a direct effect of teas on the brain that reduces anxiety.

A small 2018 trial found that chamomile may alter cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone.

9. Herbal supplements

Many herbal supplements, like herbal teas and herbal oils, claim to lower anxiety. These claims are supported by little scientific evidence.

It is important to consult a doctor who is familiar with herbal supplements and how they interact with other drugs.

10. Time spent with animals

Pets provide companionship, love and support. In 2018, research showed that pets are beneficial for people suffering from anxiety and other mental disorders.

Many people love cats and dogs. However, those with allergies will be happy to know that pets do not have to be furry in order to support them.

A 2015 studyTrusted Source showed that caring for crickets can improve the psychological health of older adults.

It can reduce anxiety and stress related to trauma by spending time with animals. A 2015 systematic reviewTrusted source suggests that some of these effects can be alleviated by spending time with horses and grooming them.

There are other treatment options

Treatment is required for anxiety that is persistent or interfering with one’s ability to perform daily activities.

Therapy is the most common form of treatment if there are no underlying medical conditions, such as a thyroid condition.

Therapy can help someone understand their anxiety triggers. Therapy can help you make positive lifestyle changes, and work through trauma.

One of the most effective therapies for anxiety is called antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, including ProzacIf anxiety is interfering with your sleep, you can take sleeping medicationThese drugs can cause severe, potentially life-threatening side effects.Anxiety remedies that are natural can be used to replace or supplement traditional treatments.


Anxiety that is not treated can make things worse and increase stress levels. Anxiety can be treated with medication, therapy, lifestyle changes and natural remedies.

Before finding the right combination of treatments and remedies, a person might need to try many different options. A doctor can help determine the best options.