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17 Ways to Create a Healthy Home Environment

healthy home

When we talk about health, we put the concentration on a healthy diet, exercise, and our healthy lifestyle. But what about our homes where we spend the majority time of the day? Even if you spend a good amount of time at your workplace at the end of the day it is your sweet home that gives you the ultimate peace of mind. It is where you relax, sleep, and take food three times a day and perform many more activities. So, our home is just equally important to figure out ways the improvement of the atmosphere of our living spaces. There are plenty of factors that we need to consider to create a healthy home environment. Let’s look into those areas.

Let the fresh air flow inside your house

Natural light and airflow are equally important for a healthy home environment. Hence, open your windows and pull back the curtains and drapes so that fresh air from outside can flow from outside. At the same time, it flushes out indoor air which may be full of carbon dioxide, dust, and pollutants. Unless we let enough outdoor airflow indoors, pollutants accumulate in the house. This can pose health hazards. So, give your indoor air the way of ventilation and welcome clean outdoor air. This is the most effective process to improve our indoor air.

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Purify your drinking water with proper filters

Before using any water filter, evaluate the water quality of your area and based on that select the water purifier. For example, the water filter you need with the water mixed with iron is not the same as normal water. Whatever be the water quality, the filtration system is a must to remove harmful pollutants. Not only drinking water you must stress the water you are using for cleaning and cooking purpose. Additionally, to store the water use reusable water bottles like steel or glass bottles instead of single-use plastic bottles. These are unavoidable parts of a healthy home environment.

Decrease the scope of mold growth

Mold – another big problem in almost every house is also a cause of allergic health problems like runny nose, cough, headache, etc. You cannot remove mold altogether from your house, however, you can take some steps to minimize it to create a healthy home environment. One of the useful ways to minimize mold is by controlling moisture inside. We can reduce the humidity of our indoor by up to 60% by allowing ventilation in the bathrooms, using the exhaust fans during cooking and while running the dishwasher, and by using dehumidifiers and air conditioners.

Choose cleaning products mindfully

We select cleaning products like dishwasher bars, furniture cleaning liquids, or washing products mostly by market feedbacks. But many a time we face health issues like respiratory problems, headaches, and allergic reactions due to it. This happens due to the ingredients present in the cleaning products and the main culprit behind it is “VOC”. VOC stands for the volatile organic compound. So, when you’re buying household cleaning products, look for those which have “Low VOCs” on the label. The best way is to make your own solvents or all-natural sprays with things like lemon juice, baking soda, and white vinegar.

Be alert about dust mites

You may be apparently happy with those lovely carpets because they make your living space awesome. But do you regularly clean them? Well, do you know they are the breeding ground of allergens like dust mites? Dust mites are another biggest culprits that can quickly turn your healthy home environment into sniffles and sneezes. So, you have to be pretty careful about your cleaning habits. Besides, it is essential to encase mattresses, and pillows in special fabric covers which are allergen-proof.

Do some plantation for a healthy home environment

Do you want to give a touch of nature to your sweet home? Then give the help of houseplants. Plants not only add a touch of greenery to your home but also, they also purify the air of your home. Study shows certain plants like peace lilies, Chinese evergreens, dracaenas, etc. remove some of the common pollutants like trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde.

Wash your dishes properly

Our overall health status depends mostly on hygiene. Food is an integral part of it and so the means we take food. So, to create a healthy home don’t ignore the cleaning part of the dishes. Make sure they are cleaned properly to avoid any residual food parts. This can create mold and bacteria if left unclean. Additionally, replace the dish sponge frequently.

Avoid air fresheners

Do air fresheners remove the cause of odors? Of course, they add a pleasant smell into your space, but actually, they are just masking odors that are still present in your indoor. Additionally, they spread harmful chemical that pollutes the air that you are breathing. As a result, it poses many health risks.

Diffuse essential oils instead of air freshener

The aroma is no doubt a mood booster. Have you ever tried essential oils like orange oil or lavender oil? They have various soothing effects on the mind and body like from boosting mood to adding a calm aroma to a home. Essential oils like orange oil and lavender oils promote a positive mood and relaxation.

Instead of, air freshener, use a diffuser to create pleasant vapors. This will put your mind at ease perfectly. You can run them all along the day as some diffusers turn off automatically. This will give your home a feel of an expensive spa.

Be alert of pests

Pest infestation is a common problem in almost all houses. Pests like cockroaches, mice, and fleas can really put a negative impression on your beautiful home. To control pests, the EPA suggests reducing the ways pests can get water, food, and shelter. So, store foods in sealed and good quality containers. Put food scraps in trash bins leaving them tightly covered.

Add an air purifier

Indoor air pollution is often neglected though this is a serious problem that is caused due to dust, mold, pollen, bacteria, and other airborne microscopic particles. We can’t see this with bare eyes, but these are the ones that have harmful consequences on the health of a home. EPA recommends air purifiers like HEPA filters that can control odors, pollutants, and chemical vapors in your house.

Conserve energy with your lights

A healthy home means an environmentally friendly one too. So, put off lights that are not in use whenever they are not being used to save energy. This will reduce the heat also. Likewise, change your light bulbs to LEDs. This can help you be more sustainable and save money. Quality LED light bulbs use 75% less energy than normal lights and last 25 times longer than traditional bulbs.

Use a humidifier to improve indoor air

If you want your bedroom for a better place for sleeping then a humidifier is one of the smart choices. Humidifiers not only improve indoor air but also gives you a fresh feeling inside the room as they keep the air in your room light and moist. This makes it easier to breathe. However, make sure to dry out and clean the humidifier machine regularly to avoid mold and bacteria.

Disinfect the toys regularly if you have kids

It is not surprising that if you have kids in the house many things at the house can be messy. Children often drag their toys here and there and sometimes those toys go to bed with them. At the same time, due to the obvious tear and wear, toys become a hotbed for germs, mold, and allergens. So, it is always good to wash or sanitize them periodically to keep your child safe.

Replace cutting boards on time

We must be careful about cutting boards especially if they are made of plastics. Plastic boards often become scratched and if not replaced on time they can turn into a breeding ground of bacteria. The bacteria can transfer from the board to foods or knives, increasing the chances of foodborne illness.

Sanitize electronic gadgets often

Electronics gadgets like cellphones, TV remotes, tabs, or even computer keyboards can harbor many germs as we do not always handle them with clean hands. Moreover, germs can transfer from these things to others. So, you should sanitize them regularly with a disinfectant wipe or microfiber cloth.

Wash essential things more frequently

Everyday washing is a common phenomenon in almost all houses. However, along with daily wearables, we must be careful enough about bath towels and bedsheets. As a rule of thumb, you should change bedsheets once a week or even sometimes more frequently as needed and also wash your bath towel at least once a week.

Final verdict

These are some of the ways to make a healthy home. There may be more points that are considered for an individual home. So, why late? Think carefully about those aspects and make your nest of peace a healthy home for you and your family members.