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How to aging well with a healthy and fit you

As we grow older, we become more matured and it is not unlikely that this second half of life can present us with some of the most rewarding decades of our life. Of course, we can’t ignore the biological clock and those obvious grey hairs or wrinkles, but we can aging well with a healthy body and mind. As the metabolic rate falls with age, it brings many unwanted but common age-related diseases like heart ailments, dementia, insomnia, joint pains, and many more. But have you ever thought that it could be a result of lack of exercise, proper nutrition, and lack of social activities? So, can’t we put these odds in our favor by doubling our efforts to preserve it? Why not live, move, or feel better as the years go by?

Walk for heart health

As we get older, we notice a gradual decrease in our energy and endurance. So, it’s essential to incorporate exercise in daily routine, and among all other exercises walking is an ideal way if you intend to aging well. It is less intensive than running and you need to walk at least 30 minutes a day. According to Harvard Medical School five days a week is enough to reap the rewards. If needed consult with your doctor for blood-thinning medication.

But it is not unlikely that you may be suffering knee issues like osteoarthritis. In that case, you may not walk long. So, in that case, do some regular free hand exercises. This also delivers more oxygen and blood to your brain and can keep your brain cells healthy. It has another benefit as research suggests aerobic exercise improves or delays symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Related post – What is your motivation to be healthy?

Focus on your bone density

Osteoporosis –which causes bones to become fragile is a common problem after 50 years of age. It is incurable but medication can slow it. What you can do is prevention. Start strengthening your bones once you are 35. A few of the simple ways are stair-climbing, brisk walking, heavy gardening, and moderate-resistance weightlifting. If you are already a fitness freak use cross-training machines, work out with resistance bands. All these methods help to reduce the natural bone loss rate promoting you to aging well.

Get your body and brain proper food

As you get older you need to nourish your grey matter and boost up yourself with plenty of energy. Both physical as well as positive mental strength. So, protecting your brain is vital.  Your food choice must include eating plenty of fish, fruits, green vegetables, olive oil, and food rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Stay away from processed food and focus on fresh whole foods. Controlling weight is another important aspect of aging well in a healthy way.

So, you should have a balance between the quantity of food intake and calories burned. Stress on low-calorie density foods. It is quite possible that as you age older you tend to depend on pre-prepared meals outside. But usually, these foods contain excess sugar and sodium. Which is harmful to your heart and blood sugar.  So, better cook meals at home as much as possible. And don’t forget to reduce the number of starches like refined sugar and refined grains.

Stay physically active with regular exercise

Age pushes us towards a sedentary lifestyle. But it ultimately causes weight gain and increases our waistline. On the contrary physical activity helps you to maintain a healthy body weight as well as lower blood pressure. As metabolic rate falls after 35, we become more prone to develop high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Exercise whether it is brisk walking or at the gym decreases fatigue and keeps your body fit while improving the quality of life. Also, through exercising you can prevent age-related heart changes like arrhythmias, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profile changes.

Select Supplements

It’s always advised to get your nutrients from food, and from supplements. But after age 50, your body needs more of some specific vitamins and minerals. You can either get them from foods or if you find that insufficient, intake supplements.

They include:

  • Calcium (for bones)
  • Vitamin D (sunlight is a good source of it.)
  • Vitamin B12 (fortified cereals or a supplement.)
  • Vitamin B6 (Good for red blood cells)

Stay Connected

Loneliness aggravates higher levels of stress hormones which are directly related to inflammation or swelling-related ailments like diabetes and arthritis. Furthermore, lonely people are more prone to depression and dementia at an older age. Besides, research shows seniors who are left out or isolated face more trouble with daily activities and also die earlier compare to the less-lonely folks.

So, social interaction at every age especially when you are older is very important. It brings positive feelings and at the same time decreases stress. Older people who are more socially active suffer less Alzheimer’s. Not only Alzheimer’s loneliness has many other adverse impacts on our immune system. For example, a study shows lonely people more often develop antibodies to certain herpes viruses.

Hence, make friends, stay connected with friends and family, participate in volunteer work. Sometimes, plan for getting out for a healthy meal alone or go to walk with some friends. Join exercise classes that will benefit you both ways – it will keep you fit as well connected with people. No doubt, a positive way to aging well.

Watch your sleep pattern

Insomnia is common in seniors. There are two main reasons behind is –

  • Now that you don’t have a daily busy schedule
  • Due to biological reasons, you find it harder to falling and staying asleep.

But the study shows you need proper rest and sleep for well-being. Hence, try to maintain a wake and sleep schedule every day. This will keep your body clock in a routine. Also, try to maintain some rules to maintain your sleep schedule like –

  • Don’t take a nap longer than 20 minutes during the day.
  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol in the evening.
  • Keep away from TV, mobile, or laptop during sleep time.
  • Ask your doctor if you really need any medication for sleep.

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes

If you are a regular drinker then it is quite possible that you may suffer chronic liver conditions at any age. Just a couple of drinks on a daily basis is enough to damage your liver. If you can’t completely ditch your favorite glass of wine, then stick to a limit and unit guidelines as advised by the doctor. This will help your body to remain fit and your brain sharp.

Another harmful addiction is smoking. Do you know smoking makes aging faster and not to mention, it is harmful to your health in many ways? Thus, quitting smoking is the most beneficial lifestyle change.

Stay alert from Injuries

As we grow older, our bodies undergo certain elasticity and degenerative changes which make us more prone to injuries. On the other hand, as the body balance deteriorates with age, and sometimes due to certain medications, our normal movement and exercises get affected. Due to this, there is a chance to easily get injured. Hence, you must be conscious while lifting weights and usually try lighter weights.

Balance exercises may help you to improve coordination. Sometimes strength training works better which also decreases the risk of osteoporosis and also improves posture. This works wonders if you have back pain.

Stay Optimistic

Life changes with time and so on our surroundings. It tests us in many ways. We lose loved ones, suffer health problems, got disconnected from work, and many more. So, it is not unnatural that as we grow older shade of depression spread on our minds. But we must love our life and stay optimistic for a healthy mind and body. Positive emotions lower the rate of ailments. Sometimes it is harder but we must spin our thoughts to the bright sides of life. At the same time tune ourselves in a way so that we can learn to accept things that we can’t change.

Travel more often

Now that you become older, get closer to retirement and kids leave the home as they have their own life you get more time to travel. Change of mind gives us positive vibes and reduce depression level. So, travel as per your convenience level with your partner or with some group.

Final Words:

Hope the above points help you to get a positive motivation to aging well. Not only you, but we must also help other aged people around us with correct guidance. We must stretch our helping hands towards them to make life meaningful.