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What is Your Motivation to be Healthy

motivation to be healthy

Are you among them who have already started focusing on developing “get-healthy” resolutions as the end of the year draws near? So, what is your motivation to be healthy? Dumping those ever-loved diet soda, eating less, working out more, munching hemp seeds, and so on? Well, resolutions are always great and they indeed represent an intention to make positive changes. But how long does that last? Hold on! I am not asking about the effects, instead, you ask yourself, how will you progress from your short-term goal to actual lifestyle changes and whether it will last the whole year and beyond?

Do you know why I am asking such an awful question? Because embracing a healthy and active lifestyle is harder than the alternatives you have already experienced. It takes less preparation and more dedication and motivation to be healthy that keep you tuned all along your journey. It is the magical power of motivation that is much more likely to help you to achieve your goal.

So, let’s explore first what inspires you to live a healthy lifestyle? Your health? Your family? Or some other reason? Follow the steps below to identify the ways to keep up your motivation to be healthy and reasons for motivation.

Related post – Dieting vs. Lifestyle change

What are your true Motivating Factors – Look inside!

Introspect your motivational factors before you decide on your goal. If you are tempted to be like someone special or inspired by someone’s speech, think twice. Everyone is different. Two people cannot achieve the same fat burnt out the result as everyone has their own metabolic factor. Hence, try to be unbiased. You want to be healthy for a better life and that should be the primary motivation to be healthy.

Set Your Goals realistically

Whether you have set your fitness goal as the top priority in the coming year or just want to feel better in your new clothes or it is under peer pressure, defining your goals is the first thing to do after finding your motivation. But be realistic to your goal, and make it more specific to achieve better. Remember you need to measure your success at a specific time and that is not going to work with a vague goal.

Set Mini-Goals to achieve better

You are all set with your goal. Now before starting your journey, step back once! Divide your goal into mini-goals. For example, if your goal is to reduce body fat percentage set simple weekly goals like exercising three times a week for 30 minutes and cutting off the carbohydrate intake by 10 percentage. This will pave the way of success because your mini-goals are sustainable and attainable as it is more routinized. Besides, being not overruled will work your way of motivation to be healthy.

Keep on the track with your motivating factors

You may be occupied with many activities every day. So, it is not impossible that over the period you gradually start to skip those activities you set as mini-goals. So, it is of utmost importance to constantly remind yourself why you are doing those health activities and what you are doing. This keeps you motivated constantly. Stick papers on the fridge or work area so that your eyes can grab your mind constantly.

However, staying motivated to achieve the goals for a month is easy, but when it is a matter of a year it’s not a cakewalk though. Hence, take baby steps in the right direction and celebrate small victories. Stay motivated, stay on track!

Focus on your feel-good factor

Do you know on the way to your healthy journey, staying positive is equally important? So, the first thing you need to be cautious enough to make sure the people around you encourage you to feel good about yourself — no matter what your size or health condition. You may have close friends who often encourage you to overeat, smoke, or drink too much, obviously, it is wise not to follow their path and look for someone who wants a healthier you. Always strive to be healthy from the inside.

Find out what makes you overeat

Another key factor to staying motivated is to know your problem areas and have a plan for dealing with them. Is food is your way to cope with depression, disappointment, boredom, or even personal success? This is one of the deadly factors that a section of foody people gets trapped easily. Foods easily boost your mood. But if you really want to overcome this issue, do some brainstorming to find some healthier ways to adjust to mood swings that exclude food.

One of the easiest ways to maintain a healthy diet is to stock with lots of healthy options such as a good amount of veggies and fruits, or healthy snacks, etc.

Never Go Hungry

Do you know the reason for overeating is undereating? If you go too long without food, it makes you ravenously hungry. Besides, a rigid diet doesn’t work for anybody. Hence, to prevent binges include planned snacks in your daily diet. And don’t be too rigorous for yourself. Give yourself a treat weekly once. Enjoy your life in the path of your goals.

Sit Less and Move around more

Only doing exercise or healthy eating habits is enough for putting you in the right shape? Of course, yes. However, if you live a healthy choice of being more active, that will help you more. For example, when you are at the office, take around whenever you get time, use stairs instead of the lift, or go on a long walk with your kiddo.

Find a Cheering Section

Staying sound mentally is equally important as it gives you good vibes and releases good hormones. So, hang in with those who give you positive support when you need determination from within. It could be your spouse, siblings, friend or co-worker, or even some online “buddy”! Talk to these people and ask for support to reach your goals. Call upon these supports when you find yourself having trouble sticking with good health habits. And don’t forget to celebrate every single success towards your journey.

Finally, Remember That Change Takes Time

You have to remember your commitment to your healthy life. With the change of some lifestyle habits and allowing yourself plenty of time, you can surely reach your goal. In addition to that, don’t hesitate to accept the fact that your body is meant to be a certain size and you can’t go beyond that. So, always feel happy and stay healthy!