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Dieting vs. Lifestyle change

Dieting vs. Lifestyle

Do you know staying in shape is one of the major desires for a large group of people in the world? And weight loss comes as a vital criterion when we talk about vital statistics. While obesity is a rising problem, on the other hand, millions of people are struggling to lose weight. That is why Dieting vs. Lifestyle change has become one of the most trending questions nowadays. You may be among them who are curious to know which one is more effective?

Well, when it is a matter of reducing weight and coming back in a shape then we can say Dieting vs. Lifestyle change go hand in hand. So, if you want to understand whether diets work or not, what is a lifestyle change, and how to actually make the change then we have to go deep dive into the basics.

Difference between lifestyle and diet

Diet is a means to temporarily change the food habits you are habituated to. This is a short-term goal that is not going to help you in the long term. If you stop dieting you will regain weight easily. So, if you are looking for benefits in the long run and want something that will help you to maintain a healthy weight then diet is obviously not the ideal option. What you need is a lifestyle change which means bringing a healthy change in your daily life which includes you getting habituated with the changed food habit and also exercising. And this is the basic difference between dieting vs. lifestyle change.

Related post – What is your motivation to be healthy?

Why diets don’t work in the long run?

Most traditional diets follow a handful of key characteristics:

  • You can lose weight quickly in a set period of time
  • Foods are usually categorized as “good” or “bad”
  • Eating habits depends mostly on environmental cues
  • You are highly restricted in Calorie consumption
  • Progress is measured on numbers defined in a specific scale
  • Dieting teaches you about portion control.
  • It learns you how to prepare a healthy and balanced meal.

However, dieting is often not sustainable. Furthermore, when you restrict calories and avoid certain food groups especially carbohydrates, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies along with health issues. So, dieting is only intended for short-term gains which often comes with a great cost.

Above all, diets are changing constantly as the understanding of the human body and metabolic system is developing with time. Though there has been a growing trend of research about diets, but it isn’t as hopeful as you may expect. Furthermore, constantly new diets are coming up like the Atkins diet, a low-fat diet, and then the new craze is the keto diet.

Obviously, we should keep in mind that one diet doesn’t work for everyone. Each of us has a different metabolic system as well as a physical structure. Hence, what works for your friend, or trainer may not work for you. The key to weight loss should be a personalized change instead of some fix-all trendy diet.

Furthermore, the study shows that although diets may seem incredibly different, it brings actual differences in results is small. For example, low-fat diets are as effective at producing short-term weight loss as low-carb diets. So, although the dieting patterns of these diets are different, they may not seem better for weight loss than each other.

Lifestyle changes for better health

If you are on diet and want to get success in permanently maintaining a healthy weight, then bring a permanent change in your lifestyle. This will help you to keep off the excess weight. Now, what do we exactly mean by lifestyle change?

Lifestyle change indicates the behavioral change that helps you to stick to for the long haul. This includes:

  • Change in your eating pattern that includes healthy, nutritious, and whole foods that can nourish your body. This includes taking meals regularly and timely.
  • Following a low calorie and low-fat diet. Avoid sugary and salty foods. Rely more on veggies, fruits, protein, and minerals.
  • Practicing moderation, and not food restriction
  • Exercising on a daily and consistent basis for at least an hour a day. Start with 30 minutes and gradually increase the span.
  • Relying on your body to understand what you need
  • Losing weight at a healthy and safe pace
  • Considering progress beyond a number on the scale

Why Lifestyle changes are more effective?

In dieting vs. lifestyle change, both diet and lifestyle changes go hand in hand. Because when you change your lifestyle the diet is an already included part in it. As a part of a healthy eating habit, you will consume less junk food and depends on more healthy foods. Your diet will turn into a balanced diet that consists of the necessary amount of calories, carbs, fat, and protein. Moreover, a balanced diet promotes health, at the same time healthy habits.

As we all desire to stay fit and healthy, in that context, lifestyle change is not only about foods and exercise but also includes getting proper sleep, managing stress, and the realistic ways to stay happy and energetic. So, only dieting without a lifestyle change is a partial attempt that gives you an incomplete result.

Here are some of the points why in Dieting vs. lifestyle change the second one is more effective:

  • Lifestyle Changes give you long term benefits

This is perhaps the most important point. Most of the people who are on diet can’t stay on the diet for more than a few months. A lifestyle change helps you to build a foundation for your health, as well as gives you a new way of living. Furthermore, you can promote your lifestyle change without a strict diet plan and choose whatever is the most suitable for you in a healthy way.

  • Lifestyle Changes give you more flexibility

Unlike many popular and fad diets, a lifestyle change allows you some flexibility. You can figure out what works for you, instead of blindly following some set plan created by someone else. This makes you more stress-free as you are free from rigidity.

  • It turns into a Routine

Unlike dieting where you are forced to eat in a certain way, lifestyle change leverages you to make a personal plan which is most suitable as per your daily schedules or routines. It helps you to build a new healthy routine easily. Here you are not forced to eat the foods you don’t like, instead of a holistic approach towards a healthy diet. And human nature is getting accustomed to things that don’t create a burden on them.

  • Lifestyle change is a more balanced approach

A lifestyle change offers more balance in life. With diets, you need to strive in an unhealthy way to achieve weight loss goals. A lifestyle change follows a ground-up approach with a balance in mind. There is no rigidity as well as not too lazy way to promote a lifestyle change.

How to make a lifestyle change?

Well, we have discussed many good points in support of lifestyle change in previous sections. However, materializing lifestyle changes isn’t as simple as making a decision. It needs proper planning, patience, and continuous effort to find out what works the best for you. You may need assistance with that too. However, here is a quick thing to keep in mind when making lifestyle changes in your life.

  • Accept the changes, be open-minded

When you are in the progress of lifestyle changes, you never know what may be useful for you. Hence, remain open-minded, and be ready to change your plan as required. You may be on a routine but after some time, you can reveal that doesn’t work for you. So, don’t be afraid to make changes. You must have will power to try different things, and give them a true shot to see if they work.

  • Be Patient with Yourself

Lifestyle change doesn’t promise you rapid weight loss as it happens with fad diets. Instead, it creates a foundation of health for your life. Once you pave the path of a lifestyle change, it may take some time to see the results. So, be patient with yourself, and don’t give up!

  • Do What Works for You

The first thing you should remember is that in a lifestyle change process you are not about to follow what works for others, neither you are going to follow food marketing or generic health advice. For diet, it is best to take advice from health professionals. Also, for exercising either follow light exercise, walking, or take advice from health trainers if you are about to join the gym. More importantly, stick to your plan. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

  • Set realistic Goals

You should absolutely keep in mind that your set goals must be realistic. This is an important standalone point. Because if you set your sights too high, you are likely to let yourselves down. This will ultimately cause you to lose steam. Instead, set something that will encourage and push you ahead, at the same time won’t be impossible to achieve.

  • Track Your Progress

Finally, track your progress. Keeping track can go a long way as it assesses whether you’re doing well or falling behind with your goals. It reveals the areas where you are weak and where you are thriving. Make a journal on what you eat, how you feel, how you exercised, etc. This will give you a great advantage in the long run.

Final verdict

Finally, considering dieting vs. lifestyle change, no doubt, the lifestyle change gives you sustainable changes. Besides, when you are focused on long-term lifestyle changes and not on short-term dieting, you will experience a few things. First, you are promoting kindness to your body. You are less likely to experience food deprivation, extreme hunger, weakness, mental stress, or exhaustion. With lifestyle changes, you learn to teach what your body is telling you. Though weight loss may be slower in this process, it is more permanent.

So, don’t fall victim to the crash diet craze of today! Follow the path of lifestyle change.You will not regret it!