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What is Gut Health?

gut health

We often consider a proper diet, physical exercise, healthy lifestyle as part of being health conscious. But do you know among all these there is one thing that is closely related to our well being which we often neglect and consider as a mere digestive system? Yes, I am talking about gut health! It is all about a healthy intestine. Are you aware of those bacteria which live in your digestive tract which are scientifically known as the “gut microbiome“? We have about 300 to 500 different microorganisms living in our intestines. Some are harmful to our health, whereas some are incredibly important for a healthy body.

The importance of gut health to our overall health is an increasing research topic in the medical community and it is very complex too. But numerous studies proved that not only the digestive system, but also the overall gut health of a person is largely responsible for the immune system, mental health, skin conditions, endocrine disorders, and even cancer! 

So, in this blog, we will see the importance of gut health, what all things influence it, and how to improve gut health.

Why Gut health is important?

The food we eat goes down to our gut and is broken down into simple forms to enter our bloodstream. It then delivers nutrients throughout our bodies. Hence, the overall function of our digestive system depends on a healthy gut that contains immune cells and healthy bacteria that removes infectious viruses, bacteria, and fungi from our body. It is also responsible for communicating with the brain through hormones and nerves to maintain our general health and well-being.

Each of us has unique microbiome combinations, however, there are some common things that define what’s healthy and what’s not. As per research in healthy people, a diverse array of organisms is found, most of them are bacteria. Some of these bacteria fight against inflammation, whereas others promote it. However, there are viruses, fungi, and other microbes too. On the contrary, in the case of unhealthy people, there is less diversity. Additionally, an increased number of bacteria related to the disease are found among them.

If your gut health is good then the gut works as it should. The good and the bad bacteria keep each other in check. But that delicate balance gets disturbed, inflammatory bacteria take over. As a result, these bacteria produce metabolites and they enter the bloodstream by passing through the lining of the gut, causing inflammation to other parts of the body.

Specific types of bacteria present in the gut lead to other health conditions low immune function, greater risk of allergies, and asthma. Furthermore, it can lead to other chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and some specific types of cancers.

Not only physical health but gut health is also linked to mental health, it has been noticed that gut health and anxiety as well depression are closely related to each other. Besides, it is related to other neurological conditions like dementia and schizophrenia. The gut bacteria also vary lean and overweight people. Additionally, it is often assessed that it may play a role in causing obesity.

Signs of an unhealthy gut

Here are some of the common signs of unhealthy gut health:

1. Upset stomach

Unhealthy gut bacteria can cause stomach disturbances like bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, and diarrhea. Those bacteria will have difficulty processing food as well as eliminating waste.

2. Increased sugar cravings

The amount of good or bad gut bacteria largely depends on the food we eat. A diet high in processed food and added sugars reduces the number of good bacteria in the gut. Due to this imbalance, it creates increased sugar cravings, which in turn deteriorates gum still further. At the same time, high amounts of refined sugars increase inflammation in the body which may cause a number of diseases.

3. Unintentional weight changes

If you notice losing or gaining weight without making any changes to your diet or exercise habits, then it may be a sign of your problematic gut health. Imbalanced gut health can affect your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, store fat, or regulate blood sugar. Your weight gain may be a cause of insulin resistance as well, weight loss may be due to the overgrowth of intestinal bacteria.

4. Constant fatigue and Sleep disturbances

Our sleep and mood depend mainly on the serotonin hormone level which is produced in our gut. An unhealthy gut can cause sleep disturbances such as poor sleep or insomnia and therefore lead to extreme fatigue. So, to maintain a good sleep pattern maintaining a healthy gut is very important.

5. Skin irritation

Do you know skin problems like eczema may be a sign of a damaged gut? This happens due to poor diet or food allergies that increase the leaking of certain proteins responsible for skin cells inflammation and irritation like eczema.

6. Autoimmune disorder

Medical evidence has revealed that our gut health has a direct impact on our immune system. Often increase in systemic inflammation can alter the proper functioning of the immune system. This can cause autoimmune diseases, where our body self-attacks itself instead of the harmful invaders.

7. Food intolerances

Food intolerances are often the result of digestion problems of certain foods. It is thought that this happens due to the poor quality of bacteria present in the gut. Those bacteria lead to difficulty in digestion and cause unpleasant symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain, and nausea. Sometimes, gut health also becomes responsible for food allergies.

How to improvegut health?

To restore gut health, we need to check our food habits as well as our lifestyle. Here are some of the suggested solutions by the experts.

1. Lower your stress levels

Stress is more or less a part of everyone’s life. However, research shows a close relationship between gut health and anxiety. We need to find some ways to keep stress at a moderate level which may include walking, meditation, spending quality time with family and friends, getting a massage, diffusing essential oils, yoga, decreasing caffeine intake, etc. Here are 14 effective ways to relieve stress.

2. Get proper sleep

Not getting enough or sufficient quality sleep can seriously affect your gut health. Furthermore, this may lead to more sleep issues. So, you should try to get at least 7–8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If you can’t restore a healthy sleep pattern try to consult your doctor.

3. Eat slowly

While eating your food you must chew your food thoroughly. Besides, you should practice eating mindfully. Here are some tips on mindful eating. This helps to promote full digestion and proper absorption of nutrients. At the same time, this reduces digestive discomfort and maintains a healthy gut.

4. Stay hydrated

Water helps to maintain the healthy mucosal lining of the intestines. Also, it keeps the balance of good bacteria in the gut. So, drinking plenty of water is a simple and straightforward way to promote a healthy gut.

5. Probiotics for gut health

To promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, taking a prebiotic or probiotic supplement is a natural way to maintain good gut health. Prebiotics provide the “food” for good bacteria, whereas probiotics are live beneficial bacteria. Sour curd is the natural source of probiotics that you can take you’re your foods. However, people who suffer SIBO which is nothing but bacterial overgrowth, should not take probiotics. It’s best to consult your healthcare provider to select a probiotic or prebiotic supplement based on your health condition.

6. Identify and check for food intolerances

Certain foods may cause symptoms like bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, rashes, fatigue, and acid reflux. You need to identify which particular food or foods trigger that and try to eliminate that from your menu to improve the symptoms. Alternatively, find good gut health supplements to see a positive change in your gut health.

7. Change your diet

Maintain a diet that can contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. Try to include high fiber-based foods for better gut health. However, include that gradually, otherwise, a sudden change can cause bloating. At the same time, reduce the amount of processed, high-fat, and high-sugar foods that can promote unhealthy gut bacteria. Depend more on plant-based food and lean protein instead of red meat.

Along with the above points mind the following:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid taking unnecessary medications
  • Limit dairy products, and processed meats
  • Stop smoking and reduce drinking alcohols

Final verdict

Finally, we must agree that the human gut is a complex system than we previously thought. Also, it has a huge impact on overall health. We should try to maintain a healthy gut for a sound body and mind and to prevent disease. So, we must focus on our lifestyle change that can positively affect our gut health and also overall health.