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12 Ways to Balance Your Hormones Naturally

hormone balance

Hormonal imbalances can have a significant impact on your overall health. There are many factors that can be out of one’s control. There are, however, manageable factors that can influence hormone levels. The hormones that the endocrine system circulates throughout the day perform a variety of functions.

Even minor changes in hormone levels can have adverse effects on the body, such as extra stress. Hormonal imbalances can cause chronic problems and can make symptoms worse.

Simple lifestyle changes can be helpful for some people to restore hormone levels.

These strategies might help:

1. Get enough sleep

The most important factor in hormonal balance is sleep. The quality of your sleep can affect how hormone levels rise or fall throughout the day.

Sleep disturbances can have negative effects on hormones.

  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • Appetite problems

The body may regulate hormone levels by getting a good night’s sleep.

Related post – 5 Hormones that Have a Big Effect on Your Health

2. Avoid too much light at night

Blue light can disrupt your sleep cycle, especially if it is coming from cell phones and computer screens. This light is absorbed by the body as daylight, and hormones are adjusted accordingly.

Any bright artificial lighting at night can cause confusion in the body. This could lead to the suppression of the hormone melatonin which can have negative effects on many functions.

Artificial lights can be helpful in regulating hormones and restoring a natural circadian rhythm.

3. Managing stress

The link between hormone levels and stress is well-established. Researchers argue that there is a strong link between stress and hormone levels, even low levels of stress can cause an endocrine response.

Stress can lead to an increase of adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can cause imbalance and lead to obesity, mood changes, and cardiovascular problems.

It is therefore important to find ways of reducing stress. Listening to music can reduce stress, especially if it is intended to be relaxing.

4. Exercising

Regular exercise can prevent you from overeating by reducing your hormones. Even short sessions of exercise can help to regulate appetite hormones.

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

5. Avoiding sugars

Sugar plays an important role in insulin resistance and metabolic disease.

This suggests that eliminating sugar from the diet may help keep levels of hormones, including insulin, in check.

Some people avoid specific sugars. Similar responses were observed for honey, table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, as well as high-fructose Corn Syrup. Individuals may be able to avoid all sugars and only a few types of added sugars.

6. Healthy fats

Healthy fats can help to maintain the balance of hormones that control appetite, metabolism, weight, and satisfaction.

Medium-chain fatty acid, such as those in red palm oil or coconut oils, can help regulate cells that are responsible for insulin response.

Olive oil can balance the levels of a hormone that regulates appetite and stimulates the digestion of fats and proteins.

7. Consume lots of fiber

Fiber could play an important role for gut health and may help regulate hormones like insulin.

Fiber can also balance hormone levels, which could help people maintain a healthy weight.

8. Eat lots of fatty fish

High levels of fats found in fish may be good for your heart and digestive health. They can also help to improve the brain’s health and the central nervous systems.

A study suggests that a diet high in oily fish can help to prevent mood disorders like depression or anxiety. Oily fish may be beneficial in some cases.

Although the role of omega-3s found in fatty fish could play a significant part in mood balance, further research is needed to fully understand the connection.

9. Avoiding overeating

Overeating regularly can lead to metabolic problems in the long term, but it has been shown that short-term overeating can alter circulating fat levels and increase oxidative stress.

Researchers also noted an increase in ceramides. Ceramides are fat cells found in the skin. They suggested that this may lead to insulin resistance. The researchers called for more research in this area.

10. Green tea

Green tea is a generally healthy beverage containing antioxidants, compounds that improve metabolic health.

Green tea is linked to lower fasting insulin levels.

Antioxidants in tea can also be used to reduce oxidative stress.

11. Quitting smoking

The levels of some hormones may be affected by tobacco smoke.

Smoking can alter the levels of thyroid hormones, stimulate pituitary hormones and even increase levels of steroid hormones like cortisol which are linked to stress.

12. Get a quality vitamin/mineral supplement

A good quality vitamin- and mineral supplement can help you balance your hormones naturally. It should contain vitamin A, Vitamin E and calcium. I recommend intraMAX (r) 2.0 as it is the best vitamin.

Tips to children

Children may be particularly benefited from the following:

Reduce your intake of processed carbohydrates

Insulin resistance is not just caused by sugars.

The use of processed carbohydrates such as white bread products or baked goods may also increase insulin resistance.

Mexico City’s children aged 10-18 years found a link between high levels of refined carbohydrates and insulin resistance. This risk can be reduced by reducing processed carbs.


Hormones have a wide variety of effects on the body, so even small imbalances can have serious consequences. Some people can achieve a healthy balance by making lifestyle and dietary changes.

These strategies may be helpful, but any person concerned about their hormone levels should see a doctor.